Luxury Home Magazine

Oahu 2025 ©2024ColdwellBankerRealty|1585KapiolaniBlvd.,Suite1010,Honolulu,HI 96814| (808)596-0456The information containedherein, whilenotguaranteed,hasbeenobtained fromsourcesbelieved tobe reliable.All square footagesareapproximateandmaydiffer from the tax records. 987 Hunakai Street 4140 Black Point Road 2029 Kuola Street 4151 Nuuanu Pali Drive Sold! Just Sold Properties 987 Hunakai Street | Sold at $4,700,000 FS 4151 Nuuanu Pali Drive | Sold at $3,800,000 FS 4140 Black Point Road | Sold at $3,398,000 FS 2029 Kuola Street | Sold at $2,950,000 FS WE DON’T JUST LIST HOMES. WE SELL THEM. THAT’S WHY WE’RE NUMBER ONE IN HAWAII. e homes you see above aren’t just sold listings, to our clients they represent the results of dedication and hard work. With 35 years in real estate, my philosophy is simple: ‘Don’t stop until the job is done.’ is is why we continue to break sales records and achieve recognition as #1 in Hawaii. If you’re considering selling, purchasing, or have questions about the market, contact me. I look forward to helping you realize your real estate goals and getting the job done for you! 3 4